Introducing The Creators

4 min readSep 21, 2020


Welcome to our Blog! We are reframed -a Berlin-based start-up that specializes in creating unique and custom-tailored digital event experiences.

from left to right: Till Antonio Mahler, Arthur Ceremuhin, Julien Schömann

We are a young team of three highly motivated and passionate best friends who bring their individual strength to the table when it comes to creating unique online event experiences. We have gained much work experiences with online events while being in the music collective Dies | Das and want to put the concept that we have developed during these events into professional use. That’s why we founded the start-up reframed with the goal to revolutionize the digital event industry through technological innovation. Today, we want to give you a little insight into our personal backgrounds and professional expertise.

Julien Schömann is the Co-Founder and CBO — Chief Brand Officer — at reframed. Being both French and German, international influences were an early part of his upbringing. Not only did he grow up on an international university campus in Bremen, he also lived in Brussels and Australia. Throughout these phases of his life, he was constantly surrounded by international creative and ambitious individuals which inspired him to pursue personal fulfillment and independence. He rather early discovered his interest in freelancing and entrepreneurship during his studies and as a natural consequence founded a company with a friend which focuses on visual experiences and design. It is especially important to him to combine contemporary and futuristic ideas and convey them through the medium of clothing and objects. Besides a couple of other brands he launched along the way, Julien also loves to express his artistic side through music and thus became part of Berlin’s music scene as a DJ. With his deeply melodic tunes, he manages to fuse audiences into one community as they dance together the night away.

Arthur Ceremuhin is the Co- Founder and CIO — Chief Innovation Officer — at reframed. Originally having his roots in Ukraine, Arthur grew up in Berlin and early experienced moving between multiple cultures. This definitely impacted him as he realized the immense power and advantage of having a plurality of co-existing and mixing cultures in Berlin which display diversity. In terms of music, he is especially fond of Hip Hop which he also uses as an art form to express himself. Professionally, he started a dental technology apprenticeship and worked for several years with 3D-printing and CAD-design. Through this, he has gained much experience in the emerging challenges and changes caused by digitalisation. To deepen his knowledge in digital change and innovation within society and economy, he began his studies in Business Administration and Digital Economy.

Till Antonio Mahler is the Co-Founder and CEO at reframed. His early upbringing in the multicultural district Kreuzberg shaped him insofar as he experienced peacefully co-existing cultures and freedom of self-expression as normality. Being half-columbian himself, he could rather easily relate to others and was always curious to understand different cultures. This curiosity to encounter other cultures can be seen in his various international experiences ranging from the USA, Columbia, China, Greece to Tunisia. During his times abroad, he not only gained valuable impulses and new perspectives on notorious issues but could also expand his language repertoire. Music has also been a great influence on Till’s life. Starting from early concerts with the classical guitar through to years in a punkrock band. Today, he is a successful DJ and serves the audience with a broad selection of the finest tunes. In his Bachelor, he studied “International Business Management’’ which provided him with valuable insights about management and efficient leading styles. One year ago, he started the Master “Public Policy” at the Hertie School in which he broadens and deepens his knowledge in a variety of topics. The last years were strongly influenced by a focus on emerging technologies such as Distributed Ledger technologies and Artificial Intelligence. In these fields the complex interplay between technology and society is of great interest to him.

Overall, we can combine our love for music, technology, innovation and design into creating extraordinary digital events. If you own a company and want to know more about how we can unlock the digital potential for your next event, then check out our website ( or contact us right away.

In the next post, we dive into the wondrous lands of technology and how we use its endless possibilities to create innovative digital events for companies. Next Post, please!




Dare to imagine a different tomorrow || Reframing the future of digital event formats